In Memoriam

My Daughters.
Nelle Claudia Dej Yang
b. September 04, 2015
Nelle Claudia Dej Yang left this earth before her birth on September 4, 2015. She is survived by her loving parents, Ger and Anna Yang, and her brothers, Theodore and Quentin.
“I will go forth to prepare a place for you. Then I’ll come back, to take you with me; that where I am, you may also be.” -David Haas
Iris Madeline Hnub Yang
b. February 13, 2016
Iris Madeline Hnub Yang was born on February 13, 2016. Instead of joining her family on earth, she joined her sister, Nelle, in heaven, so that the two of them can play together for eternity. She is survived by her loving parents, Anna and Ger, and her brothers, Theodore and Quentin.
“i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it.”
-e.e. cummings