all souls day Seasons Keep Changing I almost walked away from the microphone without saying their names.
fears Spiritual Understanding Recently, a friend drew an oracle card for me: spiritual understanding. Pay attention to the signs, information that comes to you. I have been watching. Then another friend posted this the other day: Spring equinox will bring a brand new celestial chapter into your life. The challenges you’ve been
seasons Weather We’ll float on maybe would you understand? The days get shorter and the nights get cold I like the autumn but this place is getting old. -Modest Mouse Fall is a paradox. Through increasingly chilly days, the sun may shine, but it provides no warmth. I have often felt
seasons Nearest Window I went into a solid sleep, and it was deeper and narrower than I was prepared for. I keep expecting to wake from a long, languid sleep and feel some type of jolt, but instead it is still a dull ache. I was drawn back to a picture from this